#12minconvos Podcast with Engel Jones
Engel Jones speaks to Ling Ling on the #12minconvos podcast about her work in learning and development and her life in many countries.
Engel Jones speaks to Ling Ling on the #12minconvos podcast about her work in learning and development and her life in many countries.
Sheena Yap Chan speaks to Ling Ling about her journey towards greater self-confidence, where she shares important moments that led to gaining greater self-confidence.
Gary Tan of the Not Again podcast speaks to Ling Ling on various topics about life.
2022 had been a challenging year. Be that as it may, these yearly reflections have helped me to learn, grow and, hopefully, become wiser.
Institutions set rules, establish procedures or uphold systems to distribute resources and services. The creation of these procedures is the start of bureaucracy. The people who set them up have the advantage of deciding who is "eligible" to receive these resources and services and, therefore, have power. This
The Lisbon City Council announced a red alert for bad weather, urging people to stay home or to stay out of Lisbon city. The alert was announced at 6.30 am. My thesis defence was at 10 am. The university hurriedly rescheduled all afternoon defences to be conducted online. They
Words can create or destroy. Words can transform or destroy. Words can bring joy and happiness. Words can bring suffering, misery, anger and chaos.
Hosts of the Handful of Leaves Podcast speak to Ling Ling about navigating career choices and what to do when you are at life’s crossroads.
There will be moments in life when you face crossroads, not knowing where to go or what to do. The choice is between the heart and head, the desire and obligation.
What had I done the past half year? How do I feel about the year so far? What am I looking forward to for the rest of the year?
Letters from Elle #002 Since the start of COVID-19, I've been through many transitions. You can think of transitions as moving to a new house, migrating to another country, or starting a new period in life. In February 2020, COVID-19 arrived in Singapore. I decided to leave temporarily,
Relationships are made from conversations. When there is no conversation, there is no relationship. Relationships come in all forms, especially parent-child, teacher-student, boss-employee, friends, colleagues, neighbours and lovers. These relationships cannot exist if you do not communicate with them. When you want to end a relationship, you stop talking to