The Tao of Self-Confidence Podcast: Discover And Learn
Sheena Yap Chan speaks to Ling Ling about her journey towards greater self-confidence, where she shares important moments that led to gaining greater self-confidence.

Sheena Yap Chan hosts The Tao of Self Confidence podcast, which explores Asian women's self-confidence journey
In our interview, I shared about my journey towards greater self-confidence. I talked about how life was like before I gained self-confidence and moments that led to gaining greater self-confidence. I also shared my favourite quote
How do you make a difficult decision? There is no such thing, maam. Throw a coin in the air and we always know what side we want it to land on. ~ The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Listen to the interview with Sheena Yap Chan or read the podcast summary. The episode was published on February 25, 2019.